All projects

Leadersort ascending Title
Dr Sarah Aiono, Tineka Tuala-Fata Ko te tākaro te kauwaka e pakari ake ai te tangata framework for play in a primary school. Cultural pluralism for play-based pedagogy: Developing and implementing an indigenised framework for play in a primary school
Assoc. Professor Pania Te Maro Equity for Mātauranga Māori in mathematics education
Jennifer Smith (Ngāti Whātua, Ngāpuhi) Ngā pūrākau o Te Kura o Tuahiwi. A Kaupapa Māori Case study: a mixed methods approach
Dr Hinekura Smith Toi ora, reo ora, Whatuora – Developing Toi Māori pedagogy to support Māori whanau aspirations for reo and tikanga
Naashia Mohamed Supporting children’s literacy skills and sense of belonging through co-created multilingual multimodal stories
Sasha Matthewman Tuhia ki te Ao - Write to the natural world
Professor Jenny Lee-Morgan and Dr Jen Martin A Māori Modern Learning Environment: Ko te Akā Pūkaea kia ita, ko te Akā Pūkaea kia eke!
Nicky-Marie Kohere-Smiler Tikanga and mātauranga Māori, paramount in effective speech language therapy for tamariki and whānau Māori
Sharyn Heaton Tukua te mātauranga marautanga kia rere—The challenges of integrating mātauranga Māori into a Year 10 and 11 curriculum
Dr Katarina Edmonds Kōtuia te mātauranga marautanga reo Māori (KŌTUIA)
Dr Cherie Chu-Fulufiaga, Dr Martyn Reynolds Beyond the classroom: Pacific-School partnership, leadership development and structural change
Kay-Lee Jones, David Pomeroy, Nathan Riki and Sara Tolbert Pāngarau unleashed: A multiple case study of de-streaming secondary mathematics
Dr Maria Cooper and Dr Kiri Gould Pacific Leadership in ECE: Privileging Culture, Community and Enhanced Outcomes
Sue Cherrington Early childhood teacher practices for supporting oral language acquisition and competency for children from Pacific heritages