Assoc. Professor Brenda Bicknell & Assoc. Professor Jenny Young-Loveridge |
Using multiplication and division contexts to enhance young children’s part-whole thinking in mathematics |
2015 |
Dr Jane Gilbert |
On the edge: Shifting teachers’ paradigms for the future |
2015 |
Dr Rebecca Jesson |
Porous Learning: Using netbooks at home to enhance literacy learning |
2015 |
Dr Julie Mackey and Professor Niki Davis |
Extending innovative leadership to enable e-learning for better student outcomes in primary schools |
2015 |
Dr Elaine Khoo |
Copy, cut and paste: How does this shape what we know? |
2015 |
Assoc. Professor Lisa Emerson |
Enabling academic literacy: Smoothing the transition to tertiary learning |
2015 |
Professor Glenda Anthony |
Learning the work of ambitious mathematics teaching |
2015 |
Assoc. Professor Val Podmore |
Supporting learning in the early years for children who learn in more than one language: Developing deeper understandings for practice |
2015 |
Sue McDowall |
Literacy research that matters. A review of the school sector and ECE literacy projects |
2015 |
Dr Alexandra C. Gunn |
The Work of Teacher Educators – New Zealand |
2015 |
Margie Hohepa |
Riariakina ō Rongo Hirikapo |
2016 |
Dr Stephanie Budgett and Maxine Pfannkuch |
Visualising chance: Learning probability through Modelling |
2016 |
Marilyn Gwilliam |
Summer reading to overcome the summer effect: a partnership between a school, a library and the school community |
2016 |
Dr Azra Moeed |
Beyond play: Learning through science investigation |
2016 |
Dr Mihi Ratima |
Te Kura Mai i Tawhiti: He Tau Kawekaweā: Building the foundation for whanau educational success and wellbeing; a Kaupapa Māori ECE approach |
2016 |
Bill Barton |
Capturing learning in undergraduate mathematics |
2016 |
Dr Sydney J. Shep |
Moving beyond the Threshold: Investigating Digital Literacies and Historical Thinking in New Zealand Universities |
2016 |
Keryn Davis and Ruta McKenzie |
Nurturing and encouraging young children’s identity, language and culture in the early years |
2017 |
Dr Lesley Rameka |
Te Whatu Kete Matauranga: Weaving Māori and Pasifika infant and toddler theory and practice in early childhood education |
2017 |
Dr Aaron Wilson |
Talking about text: Changing patterns of discourse in low-decile secondary classrooms |
2017 |
Dr Bronwyn Wood |
Creating active citizens? Interpreting, implementing and assessing ‘personal social action’ in NCEA social studies |
2017 |
Assoc. Professor Garry Falloon |
Exploring student thinking and problem solving in iPad-supported learning environments |
2017 |
Dr Nigel Calder |
Enhancing teaching and learning of primary mathematics through the use of apps. |
2017 |
Dr Mira Peter and Dr Elaine Khoo |
Reengineering an engineering course: How flipped classrooms afford transformative teaching, learning, and workplace competency |
2017 |
Beverley Cooper and Bronwen Cowie |
Strengthening mathematical thinking and reasoning proficiency in primary teacher education: Leveraging the potential of a system innovation |
2017 |