Dr Kathryn MacCallum |
Experiences and reflections of teachers on the use of mixed reality technologies to foster cross-curricular learning opportunities |
2021 |
Dr Julie Mackey and Professor Niki Davis |
Extending innovative leadership to enable e-learning for better student outcomes in primary schools |
2015 |
Valarie Margrain |
Effective teacher-education practice: The impact of written assessment "feedback" for distance learners |
2006 |
Jacoba Matapo |
Pepe meamea in the spirit of the collective: Embedding Samoan indigenous philosophy in ECE for Samoan children under two |
2023 |
Elaine Mayo |
Researching Understanding of Learning and Teaching (RULT): a case study in using practice-based research to develop a school-wide learning community |
2009 |
Trevor McDonald |
Developing teacher–researcher partnerships to investigate best practices: Literacy learning and teaching in content areas of the secondary school |
2008 |
Sue McDowall |
Literacy research that matters. A review of the school sector and ECE literacy projects |
2015 |
Dr Elizabeth McKinley and Dr Barbara Grant |
Teaching and learning in the supervision of Maori doctoral students |
2009 |
Dr Tara McLaughlin |
Data, knowledge, action: Exploring sustained shared thinking to deepen young children’s learning |
2021 |
Donald McLean |
Building bilingual pedagogical content knowledge through critical action research: a pilot study 2006 |
2007 |
Dr Hoana McMillan |
Mātai mokopuna – he tirohanga wairua, hinengaro, tinana, whatumanawa |
2024 |
Stuart McNaughton |
Enhanced teaching and learning of comprehension in Years 5–8: Otara Schools |
2007 |
Stuart McNaughton |
School achievement: Why summer matters |
2012 |
Stuart McNaughton |
Enhanced teaching and learning of comprehension in Years 4–9: A research–practice collaboration for Mangere schools |
2006 |
Tamsin Meaney |
Te reo tataitai: developing rich mathematical language in Maori immersion classrooms |
2007 |
Tamsin Meaney |
Mathematics: She’ll be write! |
2008 |
Luanna Meyer |
Valid and practical tertiary assessment of student learning outcomes |
2009 |
Dr Frauke Meyer and Dr Linda Bendikson |
Leading effective Goal-Setting to Improve School Outcomes |
2020 |
Dr Andrea Milligan |
Contributing to change? Responding to future-focused issues through education outside the classroom. |
2021 |
Professor Linda Mitchell |
Strengthening belonging and identity of refugee and immigrant children through early childhood education |
2020 |
Dr Azra Moeed |
Beyond play: Learning through science investigation |
2016 |
Professor Missy Morton |
Using narrative assessment to support secondary school teachers’ inclusive practices. |
2024 |
Kogi Naidoo |
Unlocking student learning: The impact of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Initiatives on first-year university students |
2009 |
Phillipa Neville-Barton |
The Relationship Between English Language and Mathematics Learning for Non-native Speakers |
2005 |
Dr Ross Notman |
Integrating values in the New Zealand Curriculum: Caught or taught? |
2012 |