Professor Linda Mitchell |
Strengthening belonging and identity of refugee and immigrant children through early childhood education |
2020 |
Assoc. Professor Sergiy Klymchuk (AUT) and Emeritus Professor Mike Thomas (University of Auckland) |
Investigating the Impact of Non-Routine Problem Solving on Creativity, Engagement and Intuition of STEM Tertiary Students |
2020 |
Assoc. Professor Tracy Riley and Dist. Professor Anne Noble |
Investigating STEM to STEAM using the apiscope as a tool for differentiated teaching and learning |
2020 |
Andrew Luxton and Ewan Tempero |
Supporting teachers and learners of programming by understanding feedback on syntax, semantics and style |
2020 |
Dr Frauke Meyer and Dr Linda Bendikson |
Leading effective Goal-Setting to Improve School Outcomes |
2020 |
Assoc. Professor Nancy November and Dr Ema Wolfgramm-Foliaki |
Pathways to the Past: Effective Pedagogies for Māori and Pasifika Students in the Historical Disciplines |
2020 |
Chris Eames, University of Waikato and Claudio Aguayo, Auckland University of Technology |
Using mobile learning in free-choice educational settings to enhance ecological literacy |
2019 |
Dr Markus Luczak-Roesch and Dr Dayle Anderson |
Citizen Scientists in the Classroom: Investigating the Role of Online Citizen Science in Primary School Science Education |
2019 |
Elizabeth Schaughency and Elaine Reese (University of Otago) |
Supporting Teaching and Learning in Home-Based Early Childhood Education |
2019 |
E. Jayne White |
Age-responsive pedagogies: ‘Preschool’ ECE teachers interrogate their dialogues with and about two-year-olds |
2019 |
Noeline Wright and Rachel McNae |
An Architecture of Ownership: Students and teachers forging agentic identities in an innovative learning environment |
2019 |
Jane Furness and Judy Hunter |
Using a wellbeing framework to recognise, value and enhance the broad range of outcomes for learners in adult literacy and numeracy programmes |
2019 |
Associate Professor Roseanna Bourke, Massey University and Professor John O'Neill, Massey University |
The impact of children’s everyday learning on teaching and learning in classrooms and across schools |
2018 |
Dr Daphne Rickson |
The Relationship between Participation in Singing Programmes and Student Well-Being in a Christchurch Primary School |
2018 |
Professor Martin East |
Enhancing the intercultural capability of students of additional languages in New Zealand’s intermediate schools |
2018 |
Professor Judy Parr and Dr Murray Gadd |
Generating positive outcomes by Year 5 to 8 priority learners in writing: An inquiry into effective teacher practice |
2018 |
Dr Caroline Yoon and John Moala |
Making mathematical thinking visible |
2018 |
Assoc. Professor Lexie Grudnoff |
Teaching for Equity: How do we do it? |
2018 |
Dr Amanda Bateman |
Literacy and narrative in the early years: Zooming in and zooming out |
2017 |
Dr Bronwyn Wood |
Creating active citizens? Interpreting, implementing and assessing ‘personal social action’ in NCEA social studies |
2017 |
Assoc. Professor Garry Falloon |
Exploring student thinking and problem solving in iPad-supported learning environments |
2017 |
Dr Nigel Calder |
Enhancing teaching and learning of primary mathematics through the use of apps. |
2017 |
Dr Mira Peter and Dr Elaine Khoo |
Reengineering an engineering course: How flipped classrooms afford transformative teaching, learning, and workplace competency |
2017 |
Beverley Cooper and Bronwen Cowie |
Strengthening mathematical thinking and reasoning proficiency in primary teacher education: Leveraging the potential of a system innovation |
2017 |
Keryn Davis and Ruta McKenzie |
Nurturing and encouraging young children’s identity, language and culture in the early years |
2017 |