Keryn Davis and Ruta McKenzie |
Nurturing and encouraging young children’s identity, language and culture in the early years |
2017 |
Dr Amanda Bateman |
Pedagogical intersubjectivity: Teaching and learning conversations between children and teachers |
2013 |
Margaret Carr |
Learning Wisdom |
2010 |
Margaret Carr |
Children as teachers, families as learners |
2014 |
Dr Margaret Carr |
Key Learning Competencies Across Place and Time |
2008 |
Jeanette Clarkin-Phillips |
Our place: Being curious at Te Papa |
2012 |
Jeanette Clarkin-Phillips |
Strengthening Responsive and Reciprocal Relationships in a Whānau Tangata Centre: an Action Research Project |
2009 |
Dr Carmen Dalli |
What’s special about teaching and learning in the first years? Investigating the “what, hows and whys” of relational pedagogy with infants and toddlers |
2011 |
Keryn Davis |
Moments of wonder, everyday events: Children’s working theories in action |
2011 |
Dr Judith Duncan |
Active adult participation in ECE: Enhancing learning and community wellness |
2012 |
Dr Judith Duncan |
Under-3-year-olds in kindergarten: children’s experiences and teachers’ practices |
2006 |
Dr Judith Duncan |
Homebased early childhood education (family day care) - The Visiting Teacher’s role in improving Educators’ practices |
2009 |
Maggie Haynes |
Enhancing mathematics teaching and learning in early childhood settings |
2007 |
Helen Hedges |
Inquiring minds, meaningful responses: Children’s interests, inquiries and working theories |
2014 |
Tracey Hooker |
Training on the job: How do home-based co-ordinators support educators to notice, recognise, and respond? |
2008 |
Dr David Lines, Dr. Chris Naughton and John Roder |
Move, Act, Play and Sing (MAPS): Exploring early childhood arts teaching and learning strategies and concepts through community arts interventions in Reggio Emilia centres |
2014 |
Jacoba Matapo |
Pepe meamea in the spirit of the collective: Embedding Samoan indigenous philosophy in ECE for Samoan children under two |
2023 |
Dr Tara McLaughlin |
Data, knowledge, action: Exploring sustained shared thinking to deepen young children’s learning |
2021 |
Professor Linda Mitchell |
Strengthening belonging and identity of refugee and immigrant children through early childhood education |
2020 |
Assoc. Professor Val Podmore |
Supporting learning in the early years for children who learn in more than one language: Developing deeper understandings for practice |
2015 |
Professor Linda Mitchell, Professor Bronwen Cowie |
Renewing participatory democracy: Walking with young children to story and read the land |
2024 |
Dr Lesley Rameka |
Te Whatu Kete Matauranga: Weaving Māori and Pasifika infant and toddler theory and practice in early childhood education |
2017 |
Dr Lesley Rameka |
Te Whakapūmautia te mana: Enhancing Mana Through Kaitiakitanga |
2022 |
Dr Mihi Ratima |
Te Kura Mai i Tawhiti: He Tau Kawekaweā: Building the foundation for whanau educational success and wellbeing; a Kaupapa Māori ECE approach |
2016 |
Jenny Ritchie |
Titiro Whakamuri, Hoki Whakamua. We are the future, the present and the past: Caring for self, others and the environment in early years’ teaching and learning |
2010 |