Marilyn Gwilliam |
Summer reading to overcome the summer effect: a partnership between a school, a library and the school community |
2016 |
Dr Alexandra C. Gunn |
The Work of Teacher Educators – New Zealand |
2015 |
Assoc. Professor Lexie Grudnoff |
Teaching for Equity: How do we do it? |
2018 |
Dr Jane Gilbert |
On the edge: Shifting teachers’ paradigms for the future |
2015 |
Kelly Gibson-van-Marrewijk |
Addressing obstacles to success: Improving student completion, retention, and achievement in science modules in applied health programmes, with particular attention to Maori |
2008 |
Assoc. Professor Andrew Gibbons and Associate Professor Ricardo Sosa |
ACT: Advanced Computational Thinking in the New Zealand Digital Curriculum |
2024 |
Professor Janet Gaffney and Dr Meg Jacobs |
Understand Me: Crafting Selves and Worlds in Collective Storied Conversations with Tamariki/Children, Whānau/Families, and Kaiako/Teachers |
2023 |
Jane Furness and Judy Hunter |
Using a wellbeing framework to recognise, value and enhance the broad range of outcomes for learners in adult literacy and numeracy programmes |
2019 |
Assoc. Professor Deborah Fraser |
Connecting curriculum, connecting learning; Negotiation and the arts |
2012 |
Assoc. Professor Deborah Fraser |
The Art of the Matter: The development and extension of ways of knowing in the arts |
2007 |
Michael Forret |
Understanding and enhancing learning communities in tertiary education in science and engineering |
2007 |
Professor Letitia Fickel |
Co-constructing a culturally and linguistically sustaining, Te Tiriti-based Ako framework for socio-emotional wellbeing in education: A collaborative project among teachers, whānau, hapū and iwi to enable a holistic approach to education |
2021 |
Assoc. Professor Garry Falloon |
Exploring student thinking and problem solving in iPad-supported learning environments |
2017 |
Lisa Emerson and Ken Kilpin |
Transforming information literacy space(s) to support student learning |
2023 |
Assoc. Professor Lisa Emerson |
Enabling academic literacy: Smoothing the transition to tertiary learning |
2015 |
Dr Frances Edwards and Prof Bronwen Cowie |
Zooming out and zooming in on student data: Developing teacher data literacy to enhance teaching and learning |
2021 |
Professor Martin East |
Enhancing the intercultural capability of students of additional languages in New Zealand’s intermediate schools |
2018 |
Chris Eames, University of Waikato and Claudio Aguayo, Auckland University of Technology |
Using mobile learning in free-choice educational settings to enhance ecological literacy |
2019 |
Dr Chris Eames |
Investigating the relationship between whole-school approaches to education for sustainability and student learning. |
2009 |
Chris Eames |
Investigating teachers’ pedagogical approaches in environmental education that promote students’ action competence |
2006 |
Chris Eames |
CoRe: A way to build pedagogical content knowledge for beginning teachers |
2012 |
Dr Judith Duncan |
Under-3-year-olds in kindergarten: children’s experiences and teachers’ practices |
2006 |
Dr Judith Duncan |
Active adult participation in ECE: Enhancing learning and community wellness |
2012 |
Dr Judith Duncan |
Homebased early childhood education (family day care) - The Visiting Teacher’s role in improving Educators’ practices |
2009 |
Dr Maxine Pfannkuch, Dr. Pip Arnold |
Building students' inferential reasoning: Statistics curriculum Levels 5 and 6 |
2011 |