Jan Bolton and Dr Joanna Higgins |
Arts e-learning and the online specialist teacher: Increasing opportunities for quality student outcomes |
2011 |
Dr Maxine Pfannkuch, Dr. Pip Arnold |
Building students' inferential reasoning: Statistics curriculum Levels 5 and 6 |
2011 |
Dr Keryn Pratt |
School is out: Students' experiences of non-traditional learning |
2011 |
Margaret Carr |
Learning Wisdom |
2010 |
Jenny Ritchie |
Titiro Whakamuri, Hoki Whakamua. We are the future, the present and the past: Caring for self, others and the environment in early years’ teaching and learning |
2010 |
Nick Zepke |
Learning environments and student engagement with their learning in tertiary settings |
2010 |
Mike Thomas |
The transition from secondary to tertiary education in mathematics |
2010 |
Dr Mei Kuin Lai |
Sustainability of effective teaching and school practices developing a model for sustaining and extending literacy achievement |
2010 |
Glenda Anthony |
Mathematics classrooms: Explorations into the teaching/learning nexus |
2009 |
Dr Airini |
Success for all: improving Maori and Pasifika student success in degree-level studies |
2009 |
Dr Judith Duncan |
Homebased early childhood education (family day care) - The Visiting Teacher’s role in improving Educators’ practices |
2009 |
Dr Elizabeth McKinley and Dr Barbara Grant |
Teaching and learning in the supervision of Maori doctoral students |
2009 |
Dr Chris Eames |
Investigating the relationship between whole-school approaches to education for sustainability and student learning. |
2009 |
Jeanette Clarkin-Phillips |
Strengthening Responsive and Reciprocal Relationships in a Whānau Tangata Centre: an Action Research Project |
2009 |
Terry Locke |
Teaching literature in the multicultural classroom |
2009 |
Elaine Mayo |
Researching Understanding of Learning and Teaching (RULT): a case study in using practice-based research to develop a school-wide learning community |
2009 |
Michael Denny |
A School for the 21st Century: Researching the impact of changing teacher practice on student learning |
2009 |
Richard Coll |
An exploration of the pedagogies employed to integrate knowledge in work-integrated learning in New Zealand tertiary educational institutions |
2009 |
Luanna Meyer |
Valid and practical tertiary assessment of student learning outcomes |
2009 |
Kogi Naidoo |
Unlocking student learning: The impact of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Initiatives on first-year university students |
2009 |
Kelly Gibson-van-Marrewijk |
Addressing obstacles to success: Improving student completion, retention, and achievement in science modules in applied health programmes, with particular attention to Maori |
2008 |
Dr Jenny Ritchie and Dr Cheryl Rau |
Te Puawaitanga: Partnerships with tamariki and whānau in bicultural early childhood care and education |
2008 |
Dr Judy Parr |
Measuring classroom literacy practice |
2008 |
Tracey Hooker |
Training on the job: How do home-based co-ordinators support educators to notice, recognise, and respond? |
2008 |
Bill Barton |
Teachers learning mathematics: professional development research |
2008 |