Robyn Chandler |
Who, what, how, and why? Profiles, practices, pedagogies, and self-perception of adult literacy practitioners |
2005 |
Paora Stucki |
Narratives of beginning Maori teachers: Identifying forces that shape the first year of teaching |
2005 |
Nick Zepke |
Improving tertiary student outcomes in their first year of study |
2006 |
Valarie Margrain |
Effective teacher-education practice: The impact of written assessment "feedback" for distance learners |
2006 |
Glenda Anthony and Ruth Kane |
The role of initial teacher education and beginning-teacher induction in the preparation and retention of New Zealand secondary teachers |
2007 |
Michael Forret |
Understanding and enhancing learning communities in tertiary education in science and engineering |
2007 |
Kelly Gibson-van-Marrewijk |
Addressing obstacles to success: Improving student completion, retention, and achievement in science modules in applied health programmes, with particular attention to Maori |
2008 |
Bill Barton |
Teachers learning mathematics: professional development research |
2008 |
Luanna Meyer |
Valid and practical tertiary assessment of student learning outcomes |
2009 |
Kogi Naidoo |
Unlocking student learning: The impact of Teaching and Learning Enhancement Initiatives on first-year university students |
2009 |
Dr Airini |
Success for all: improving Maori and Pasifika student success in degree-level studies |
2009 |
Dr Elizabeth McKinley and Dr Barbara Grant |
Teaching and learning in the supervision of Maori doctoral students |
2009 |
Richard Coll |
An exploration of the pedagogies employed to integrate knowledge in work-integrated learning in New Zealand tertiary educational institutions |
2009 |
Nick Zepke |
Learning environments and student engagement with their learning in tertiary settings |
2010 |
Mike Thomas |
The transition from secondary to tertiary education in mathematics |
2010 |
Dr E. Marcia Johnson |
Exploring eLearning practices across the disciplines in a university environment |
2011 |
Dr Vanessa Andreotti |
Shifting the conceptualisation of knowledge and learning in the integration of the new New Zealand curriculum in initial and continuing teacher education |
2012 |
Dr Ross Notman |
Integrating values in the New Zealand Curriculum: Caught or taught? |
2012 |
Professor Mike Thomas |
Mathematics undergraduate teaching: Perspectives and interactions |
2012 |
Dr Maxine Pfannkuch |
"Bootstrapping" statistical inferential reasoning |
2013 |
Dr Mavis Haigh |
Making authentic and trustworthy practice-based judgements of graduating student teachers |
2013 |
Dr Mary Hill, Dr. Lisa Smith, Dr. Bronwen Cowie, Dr. Alison Gilmore |
Learning to become 'assessment capable' teachers |
2013 |
Dr Mira Peter and Anne Harlow |
Re-envisioning tertiary teaching and learning of difficult concepts: How “threshold concepts” afford understanding of problematic ideas. |
2014 |
Dr Elaine Khoo |
Copy, cut and paste: How does this shape what we know? |
2015 |
Professor Glenda Anthony |
Learning the work of ambitious mathematics teaching |
2015 |