All projects

Author Titlesort descending Year
Tony Brown Pasifika teachers in secondary education: Issues, possibilities and strategies 2006
Assoc. Professor Nancy November and Dr Ema Wolfgramm-Foliaki Pathways to the Past: Effective Pedagogies for Māori and Pasifika Students in the Historical Disciplines 2020
Dr Amanda Bateman Pedagogical intersubjectivity: Teaching and learning conversations between children and teachers 2013
Jacoba Matapo Pepe meamea in the spirit of the collective: Embedding Samoan indigenous philosophy in ECE for Samoan children under two 2023
Dr Rebecca Jesson Porous Learning: Using netbooks at home to enhance literacy learning 2015
Dr Mira Peter and Anne Harlow Re-envisioning tertiary teaching and learning of difficult concepts: How “threshold concepts” afford understanding of problematic ideas. 2014
Dr Mira Peter and Dr Elaine Khoo Reengineering an engineering course: How flipped classrooms afford transformative teaching, learning, and workplace competency 2017
Dr Vivienne Anderson Refugee-background students in Aotearoa: Supporting successful secondary to tertiary education transitions 2023
Professor Linda Mitchell, Professor Bronwen Cowie Renewing participatory democracy: Walking with young children to story and read the land 2024
Elaine Mayo Researching Understanding of Learning and Teaching (RULT): a case study in using practice-based research to develop a school-wide learning community 2009
Margie Hohepa Riariakina ō Rongo Hirikapo 2016
Stuart McNaughton School achievement: Why summer matters 2012
Dr Keryn Pratt School is out: Students' experiences of non-traditional learning 2011
Dr Vanessa Andreotti Shifting the conceptualisation of knowledge and learning in the integration of the new New Zealand curriculum in initial and continuing teacher education 2012
Dr Sashi Sharma Statistics is boring … because it makes you think! 2011
Professor Linda Mitchell Strengthening belonging and identity of refugee and immigrant children through early childhood education 2020
Beverley Cooper and Bronwen Cowie Strengthening mathematical thinking and reasoning proficiency in primary teacher education: Leveraging the potential of a system innovation 2017
Jeanette Clarkin-Phillips Strengthening Responsive and Reciprocal Relationships in a Whānau Tangata Centre: an Action Research Project 2009
Dr Airini Success for all: improving Maori and Pasifika student success in degree-level studies 2009
Marilyn Gwilliam Summer reading to overcome the summer effect: a partnership between a school, a library and the school community 2016
Assoc. Professor Val Podmore Supporting learning in the early years for children who learn in more than one language: Developing deeper understandings for practice 2015
Andrew Luxton and Ewan Tempero Supporting teachers and learners of programming by understanding feedback on syntax, semantics and style 2020
Elizabeth Schaughency and Elaine Reese (University of Otago) Supporting Teaching and Learning in Home-Based Early Childhood Education 2019
Dr Mei Kuin Lai Sustainability of effective teaching and school practices developing a model for sustaining and extending literacy achievement 2010
Dr Aaron Wilson Talking about text: Changing patterns of discourse in low-decile secondary classrooms 2017
